Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Live As if Christ is Coming Today

The Minister-in-Charge delivered this Sermon. Bible References: Is40:1-11; 2Pet3:8-15a and Mk1:1-8
We are in the period of Advent- a time of expectation of the coming of the Lord.
Isaiah's message was a message of hope, a clear departure from the earlier portion that was a message of condemnation, punishment and woes. God's instruction to him to cry out was to declare reward and forgiveness of sin; that God was coming with a strong hand to save his people.  He will come with reward for his faithful people and to lead them like a shepherd. This message of hope was to overcome the idea of man being like grass.
The coming of the Messiah was a message of hope for his people and a message of judgement for the oppressors of God's people.
John's Ministry was prophesied by Isaiah. Mark confirmes that Jesus is the Messiah. The Jews, however could not realise the kind of utopia or rest or peace the person of Jesus Christ brought- it eluded them and they still expect the Messiah. However, believers are expecting the 2nd coming and they are made up of people from all nations, not only Israel.
Believers have two Advents in view:
the first in which Christ came as a human being and grew as any other child; which we usually celebrate at Christmas and
the second coming- which 2Peter tells us will happen in a dramatic way- the earth and heavens will give way and there will be nothing to hold onto. Therefore we have to live a life of holiness and righteousness. But that day will bring relief and rest for God's people - a day of hope, not a day in which we bow our heads because of judgement. As believers we must look forward to that day with joy and blissful expectation because our redemption draws nigh. It is a time when our deeds of holiness and righteousness will come to light and we will be rewarded. It will be a time when we will enter into the joy of the Lord. The shame and reproach of the Saints will be removed - a time of glory for the people of God.
The early Church's daily prayer was 'Maranatha' meaning 'Come Lord'. But Rev'd Kissi asked' are we longing for the Lord's second coming? Is what we are enjoying in this world make us pray for the delay of His coming? -  the joy of a new marriage, a new car, celebrating important anniversaries etc. cannot be compared to the joy of His coming. How are we therefore supposed to be living if such is the joy we expect?
Rev'd Kissi gave 3 ways believers are expected to live:
1) Constant expectation and constant anticipation
2) Keep what we have - our holiness and righteousness; and what we are - 'without spot or blemish'  and
3) Endeavour to live in the Word of God and work with what he has given us until he comes. He has given us talents, skills, wealth and opportunities and we must use these for the work of the Kingdom.
Pilate found no sin in Jesus, therefore we must emulate him and receive the day of his coming with joy.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Gift to the House of God

A member presented Flat Screen, projector and accessories to the Church. The Flat screen would enable those who sit at the back to be able to sing hymns displayed, see and read announcements etc. The Minister-in-Charge, Rev'd Seth Kissi , assisted by the other Ministers, dedicated the equipments to the Glory of God. Projecting Hymns on the screen helps especially visitors who might not have Hymn Books to fully participate in Worship.

The Reward Of Faithfulness to the Lord

Bible Readings : 2Sam 23:1-7; Rev1:4b-8; Jn18:33-37

Sis Rose Boadi preached the Sermon.
Here are the main points of the preaching:
*The reward of faithfulness is by Grace.
*Abraham and Ruth acted on their faith and were rewarded.
*Abraham's faith in God led him to offer his son Issac. His reward was that he became a friend of God.
* Ruth was widowed at an early stage and the mother-in-law she clung to was poor, but her faith in the God  she adopted through her mother-in-law, led her to Obed. Ruth's reward was that Jesus was a descendant
of Obed.
*The woman with the issue of blood acted on her faith and was rewarded with total healing for her sickness.
*The Centurion did not allow power, pride and position to stand in his way. He showed great faith and was rewarded with healing for his servant. MHB 758 2nd Stanza, last line says: 'Lord, speak and make me whole'.
*Only faith can free us from unnecessary anxiety. We can be sure God will provide our needs if only we have fath in Him.
*Paul's faith in God made him 'strong' when he was 'weak' for God's grace was sufficient for him.
* Let us remember that faith is always rewarded; and without faith it is impossible to please God.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


1Sam1:4-20; Heb10:11-18; Mk13:1-8
Rev'd Fiifi Foh Arkhurst preached the Sermon. He defined redemption as the freedom obtained when the price has been paid - usually by a third party. During the time of the Israelites in Egypt, God redeemed the Israelites from slavery through the destruction of Egypt but Jesus is our Redeemer because he paid the price.
In Hebrews, the work of Christ is compared to the work of the priest. While the priest repeated his sacrifices very often - which could not remove sin - Christ offered one sacrifice and went up to heaven to sit at the right hand of God. He forgives and remembers our sins no more.
The blood of sheep and goats could not and cannot cleanse us. Only the blood of Jesus can.
In Mark, Jesus warned his followers about the future so that they can live in the present. We must be careful not to be deceived as we wait for his second coming.We must not relax but be attentive and active.
To be redeemed is to be forgiven, sanctified and made free; and so as we cannot redeem ourselves we must access the redemption Jesus freely offers.
It is a clarion call, Rev'd Arkhurst said, to all believers to remain focused, be available and useful.
Our Salvation, he continued, is closer than we think and we must work at it "with fear and trembling". There will be distractions as we seek it but we must remain focused. The redemption is a continuous process. God is redeeming his people all the time and we should not allow anything to stand in our way. In conclusion he said ' Jesus paid a debt he did not owe and we received freedom for which we did not pay"

Harvest & Thanksgiving Sunday

The Harvest Sermon was delivered by the Very Rev'd Prof  K. Asamoah Gyadu. the Bible Readings was from Psalm 116: 1-4; 8-14.
Thanksgiving Services are part of fundraising and part of worship. We use thanksgiving services to tell God we cannot pay for His Grace by giving our all. Thanksgiving Services are about
1. Acknowledging God for what he has done (Ps116:9) 2. Rededicating ourselves to Him not only as individuals but as a community, church and nation (Deut 26)
3. Fulfilling our vows to God; reminding Him everything we have is from Him.
The benefit we receive is the salvation He has given us (2Cor 8:9 & MHB 371)
God has emptied Himself for us.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Rev'd Seth Kissi Inducted as Minister-in-Charge of Trinity United Church

The Sermon was delivered by the Rev'd Dr J.O.Y. Mante, the Chairman of the Akropong Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church. Readings were from: Deut 6:1-9; Heb 9:11-14 and Mt 11:1-6 and the title was ARE YOU THE ONE WHO IS TO COME OR WE SHOULD LOOK FOR ANOTHER? Directing the whole Sermon to the new Minister-in-Charge,  Rev'd Mante traced the history of the question which forms his theme for the Sermon, when Obadiah asked the prophet Elijah a similar question when King Ahab wanted to see the Prophet on certain issues. John the Baptist was in prison and heard of all that Jesus was doing. Additionally, Jesus was John's cousin and John expected him to do something about his imprisonment, such as a miracle or something like that to get him released from prison; but Jesus did nothing and although John, at the baptism of Jesus, saw the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus like a dove, he still doubted and that was why he sent his disciples to Jesus to find out whether he (Jesus) was the one to come or they should wait for another. Jesus' response, according to Rev'd Mante, was not in terms of his qualifications or degrees obtained from any university, but his works: 'Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, and the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.' Rev'd Dr Mante's hope was that after a time of heading the Trinity United Church, Rev'd Kissi's spiritual profile will be that he had a greater impact on the congregation; and his 'classroom dynamics' will be the same as his 'Churchroom dynamics'; his morals and teachings will reflect in his lifestyle. Again Rev'd Mante said a pastor, apart from good education, must be able to spell the word 'pastor'.
P = Progressive: for no one wants to follow a leader who is retrogressive 1Tim 1:14 & Jer 29:7. God Himself has plans that will prosper us- morally and spiritually.
A = Availability: the church is too important for the pastor not to be available when the flock needs him, so the pastor must be available.
S = Sacrifice: The congregation will not sacrifice when they do not see the pastor making any sacrifices. Nothing great or important, Rev'd Mante said, is achieved without sacrifice. Anyone who sacrifices gets followers. No cross, no crown he concluded.
T = Teamwork: Allowing teamwork is difficult because there is the tendency, as a Minister-in-Charge, to think that one has all the skills and knowledge to do everything, but in the church are many gifts which must be allowed to operate. Rev Kissi should therefore play the coach's role in the United Church and allow members to play their respective roles.
O = Overcomer: Spiritually and morally to be able to help members to also become overcomers. To be an overcomer, the pastor must be prayerful; seeking God's face all the time.
R = Reverence: 1Tim 4:7 A pastor must train himself in godliness. This also is difficult but with meditation, prayer and fasting, the pastor will portray reverence.
The Rev'd Dr Mante concluded his sermon with a prayer for the new Minister-in-Charge for God's guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit to strengthen him.

Photo Gallery of Induction Ceremony

The Church Council Secretary, Bro Yaw Buaben Asamoa, set the ball rolling by telling us who Rev'd Seth Kissi was. He read his CV. His first station was Saltpond Presby Church...and many more which will be published here next week...

...while Rev'd Kissi and wife Mavis stand in readiness for the ceremony.

Rev'd Dr Cyril Fayose and Rev'd Dr Mante and the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Rev'd Dr Frimpong Manso pray for Rev'd Kissi.

RIGHT: Rev'd Dr Fayose performing the Induction Ceremony. On his left is the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rev'd Dr Frimpong Manso and on his right, the Rev'd Dr J.O.Y. Mante.

The Moderator congratulating Rev'd Seth Kissi. Looking on and ready to do same are Rev'd Dr Cyril Fayose, the immediate past Minister-in-Charge and Rev'd Dr Mante.

Church, here is your new Minister-in-Charge!

Council Members congratulate their new boss.

TOP: A section of  Rev'd Kissi's students at church to lend their support.

RIGHT: Some Teacher-colleagues of Mrs Kissi were also there to share in the joy.

...his Fathers in Ministry were there to provide  the much-needed Spiritual help...

...Mom and Uncles were also there.

Church was filled to capacity

Rev'd Kissi's Acceptance Speech

In a short but impressive 'speech',  Rev'd Kissi said the Head of the Church is Christ therefore he will rely on the Holy Sprit for 'it is not by might or  by power'. He said he is happy to be appointed the Minister-in-Charge, for Trinity United  Church is a 'sophiscated Church'  with a wide variety of gifts and skills. He said 'my hands will continually be in the hands of Christ that my steps will be ordered by Him'.
He paid a glowing tribute to his wife who 'was willing and able to make difficult and exacting sacrifices as a worker and mother and  as a father to their children when he was not there'. God, he said, will bless and bless her. He thanked his predecessor, Rev'd Dr Cyril Fayose for his help and guidance. He hinted that his last child is named Cyril, after Rev'd Fayose. Rev'd Kissi thanked his
Mother, the Presbyterian Hierachy and indeed the whole church for giving him this opportunity to serve. He asked for prayers from everyone so that he will receive wisdom and strength to do this work.

Trinity United makes a presentation to the new Minister-in-Charge

The idea was that usually a Minister is transferred after becoming an Assistant Minister at TUC for a while; but in Rev'd Kissi's case he is the first Assistant Minister to be appointed a Minister-In-Charge and so the Church presented him with a gift that he would have been given if he were going on transfer. Here the Council Secretary, Mr Yaw Buaben Asamoa makes a presentation on behalf of the Church to Rev'd & Mrs Kissi.

Mrs Kissi thanking the Church for the present with Rev'd Kissi looking on with intense admiration.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Service of Hymns

Yesterday's Service was a Service of Hymns which was led by Bro Ofori-Karikari. In his exhortation before the start of the Service, he read Job 1:8  where God asked Satan whether he(Satan) has considered Job, that there is none like him on earth. and Daniel 6:5 where the other presidents and princes sought to find something against Daniel but they realised that "we shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God"
What will God say about you? was the question he asked us. Is our life pleasing to God? Can anybody tell from our lifestyle that we are followeres of Christ?

We began the Service with MHB 615 - Guide me O Thou great Jehovah - we need God to be our deliverer and our shield as we go through this life. His powerful Hand will protect us.

Our 2nd Hymn was MHB 516 - When we walk with the Lord - part of the 5th Stanza says 'what He says we will do; where He sends we will go...' In 1Sam 15:2~ God asked Saul to go to war with the Amalekites and kill everybody and every animal... we know what happened...Obedience is better than sacrifice. As Christians, do we do what God asks us to do, and do we go where He sends us?

MHB 538 - What a friend we have in Jesus - Prov18:24b ..and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Jesus is that friend who is closer to us than a brother. We have all been dispised or abandoned by friends before. The  only solution is to bring all these troubles to Jesus in prayer.

In MHB 371 (And can it be...), Charles Wesley was in church but had no peace in his heart until he boldly approached the Eternal Throne and claimed what belonged to him. He therefore wrote in the 5th Stanza
'No condemnation now I dread;
Jesus, and all in Him is mine!
Alive in Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach the eternal Throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.

MHB 822 - Onward Christian Soldiers - was our next hymn. In it we receive the assurance that God has given us the victory already in Jesus Christ, so we should just march on.

MHB 821- Stand up stand up for Jesus - which we sang sitting, goes with Eph 6:10 "finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might".
- The arm of flesh will fail us
- the strife will not be long
- all the troubles and pain will end and finally, victory will be ours.
- so let us stand up for Jesus:
This day the noise of battle
The next the victor's song.

MHB 701 - The Church's one Foundation
Mr Ofori-Karikari continued his exhortation and reminded us that God uses people to set up Churches; but the foundation is and must always be Jesus. He is the Lord of the Church.
In Is 61:1, Jesus has been anointed by the Father to 'preach the good news' etc 

Rescue the perishing -  MHB 338 was our penultimate hymn -  We must save the lost at all cost; but Jesus must live in our hearts before we can do that. Our lifestyles must be attractive to the lost.
PHB 161 was our last Hymn.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Christ Our Example - Selfless Service

Is 53:4-12; Heb5:1-10 and Mk10:35-45

Preaching the Sermon, with reference to the Readings for the day, the Rev.d Isaac Jackson said the prophecy of Isaiah took 700 years to  be fulfilled, it was God's purpose to let Christ die for the rest of the world. Christ was innocent but became the Lamb of God to die in our place to make us acceptable to God.  In fact Jesus gave up his life for the salvation of the world, and that should be our example as believers.
In Jesus' response to the request by the sons of Zebedee, James and John, for one of them to sit on Jesus' right and the other on his left in His Kingdom, Jesus emphasised the need for leaders or office seekers to first be servants.
Rev'd Jackson continued that because of Christ's selfless service, now at the name of Jesus every knee falls.
We should, as Christians, therefore give all we can for God's work. The selflessness of Christ has earned him the highest place in Heaven. He is indeed our example.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Key to Fullness of Life (What must I do to inherit Eternal Life?)

A Valedictory Sermon by Rev'd Cyril Gershon Y. Fayose
The rich young ruler in the Bible was a hardworker and an achiever. He was religious and meticulous; but these could not earn him eternal life.
Rev'd Fayose identified three lessons that would help us understand what will earn us eternal life.
Lesson #1
Our best effort is not good enough and will not save us.
The rich young ruler was committed to religion and that led him to Jesus to find out from him what will earm him (the ruler) eternal life. With all his hardwork and wealth, he was empty and short of the mark. The things of this world therefore, cannot get us eternal life. In Lk10:3-8 Jesus told Martha what was important - the Word of God- which her sister Mary had chosen. See also Heb 4: 12-16

Lesson #2
Our spirituality will not grant us the fullness of life.
The rich young ruler had fulfilled the law since his youth but Jesus said to him, he still lacked something. Our ability to prophesy or speak in tongues, though good, will not gain us eternal life. In Amos 5, God told the Israelites He wanted them to uphold justice and not to take bribes. God is not impressed when we take bribes 6 days of the week and come to give offering on Sundays.

Lesson #3
The wealth of this world must not prevent us from gaining eternal life.
Wealth and treasure should not become our God 1Tim 6: 6+. Wealth and money is good; but the love of money will prevent us from entering the Kingdom of God.
Gaining eternal life is not something we do on our own, work for with our strength  or earn; but God by His grace, is ready to help us give up what we are holding on to.
Gaining eternal life is easy because the the grace of God to help us is free; but it is difficult because our hands are full of things we must give up.

Rev'd Fayose concluded his sermon with the assurance Jesus gave his disciples that everyone who has left home, parents, siblings and spouse to follow Him will get a hundredfold of what he has lost in this life.Touchung on how he became a Minister, he said in those days he thought he did not have what it took to become a Minister; but after being convinced and mentored by the Very Rev'd Livingstone Buamah, the current Moderator of the EP Church, he has not regretted and feel more blessed.
We should therefore look up to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

The Rev'd Cyril Farose ('Cyril' means young ruler or little master) has been with the Trinity United Church for 5 years and now hands over to the Rev'd Seth Kissi. He also celebtates 20 years of service in the Ministry. He asked for prayers for the work ahead of him. We wish him all the best

Trinity United shows Great Love to Out-going Minister-in-Charge, Rev'd Dr Fayose

Members and the various groups in the Church were full of praise for Rev'd Dr Cyril Fayose, the out-going Minister-in Charge at a send-off Service today, for his affable and outgoing nature. He has been with the TUC for 5 years and will hand over to Rev'd Seth Kissi sometime before the end of the year.
  • Rev'd & Mrs Fayose receiving a present for their children

In attendance was the Wesleyan Symphony Group  


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Relationship Between Service and Greatness

Prov 31:10-31, Js 1:13-18 & Mk 9 :30-37
The Rev'd Dr Bernhadt Y. Quarshie preached this powerful sermon on the Relationship Between Service and Greatness.
Tomorrow is the 100th birthday of Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of Ghana, he reminded us. We assign many great things to him but there are two definitions of greatness: one that defines it according to position, and the other that defines it according to service.When we define greatness by position, as the world does, we are prepared to worship people in position and we make them think that they are too big to serve; they must rather be served. Jesus's encounter with his disciples in Mark 9 gives us a new insight into what greatness means. His disciples were arguing among themselves as to who should be the greatest. Jesus explained that greatness comes out of service and so the greatest person is the one who serves. He said in vs.35 that 'If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all and servant of all' KJV.
Rev'd Quarshie continued that real service does not expect to be paid back. There is so much corruption in our system because those who serve do so expecting to be rewarded or paid back.
Greatness therefore comes out of the service we are able to offer through the positions we are privileged to hold.
Qualities NOT to be seen among people who belong to Christ:
1. Selfishness - what motivates us to serve determines whether or not we belong to Christ. Selfishness makes us think only about ourselves and our family when we occupy a position.
2. The 'know-it-all attidude' - when we think our position makes us indispensable, and whatever we say must be carried out. We tend to demand worship from the people we are to serve. It is only God who demands worship from his creation.

Qualities of Greatness
1. Selflessness which graduates to sacrifice. Jesus's greatness lies with service, which is his death. Selfishness is not enough, that is, we do not gain anything when we are selfless BUT we must sacrifice in addition. Sacrifice means we lose something; and so in service, we do not gain anything but we lose everything.
2. Yielding to God - the complete dependence on God - and our wiilingness to do His will - as Jesus said "...not my will but yours be done.."
3. Humility: above all we must have the disposition of humility. A servant who is not willing to take instructions from the person he is serving is not prepared to serve. Philippians 2:5-11

'Last of all and servant of all'
In conclusion, Rev'd Quarshie said we must measure our greatness in terms of service. We must always remember that Jesus's definition of the greatest is 'last of all and the servant of all'.

The Rev'd Dr B.Y. Quarshie is a Snr Lecturer at the Dept of the Study of Religions, Univ of Ghana and the Rector of the Akrofi Christaler Institute of Theology, Mission & Culture, a Postgraduate Institution at Akropong Akwapim. He is a former Lecturer at the Trinity Theological Seminary.

New Council Members

New Council Members were inducted into office today. In the picture, Rev'd Dr Fayose leads the Clergy and the former Council Members to congratulate the new members. Behind Rev'd Fayose is Rev'd Dr B.Y. Quarshie, who preached the sermon today; and behind Rev'd Quarshie is Rev'd Seth Kissi.

Prof Florence Dolphyne is seen here presenting Certificate of Appreciation to the Chairman of the previous Council. She did it for the other former members as well.

TUC accepts changes to Church Constitution

Members at the Church meeting to deliberate on proposed changes to the Church Constitution

TUC Welfare wishes Mr &Mrs Agyekum 'Aware So'

A representative of the TUC Welfare presenting a gift to Mr & Mrs Agyekum, who married on 29th August in Kumasi. It is the practise at TUC that a Wedding gift is presented to a couple on their wedding day or on the next day they attend Service.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Christ's Assurance to His Followers

Readings: Is 50: 4-9a; James 3 : 1-12 & Mk 8: 27-38. The Sermon was preached by the Rev'd Frederick Fafanyo Lanyoh. Basing his sermon on the theme: Christ's Assurance to  His followers, Rev'd Lanyoh said the assurance Jesus gives is both an assurance of reward as well as an assurance of punishment; for Jesus said in Mark 8 v 35, that, 'whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it' (KJV). Rev'd Lanoh went on to say that it is incumbent on us, the disciples of Christ, to lead exemplary life and there is no bargain. Whether we are Pastors or laymen, it is our duty to portray Christ wherever we are. We must control our tongue so as not to become stumbling block to the people around us. Rev'd Lanyoh concluded by saying that we must be tolerant even if we do not agree with the other party. Rev Lanyoh is the PRO of the AME Church. He is also a member of the Seminary's 1989 Year Group together with Rev'd Dr Fayosey. The Year Group Celebrated 20 years in Ministry and last Sunday was a Thanksgiving day for them. May God bless them and strengthen them for the years ahead. Amen.

Do this in Remembrance of Me

Last Sunday was a Communion Sunday. It was officiated by the Rev'd Canon G.K. Neequaye, the new Chaplain of the Seminary. Jesus said we should do this to remember His death and resurrection. Rev'd Canon Neequaye brought the Anglican flavour to the Lord's Supper. He prayed for the congregation that the Lord's Supper will be a source of healing; a source of blessing and a source of strength to all.

Sunday School Children sing on Trinity Rally Day

Here we see the children in the Sunday School singing. They are always happy to come to Joint/Family service. When Rev'd Fayosey asked whether they knew the meaning of Communion, one of them said 'it was the time we gathered at the Lord's Table'. They sang beautifully.We are proud of our children.

Trinity United Awards Members

Mr ....waiting to receive his award.Mr..... listening to the citation

Mr.... being presented with his award jointly be Rev'd & Mrs Fayosey.the Church.....receiving his award
                                                                                                                                                   Mr .....receiving his award from the Minister-in-Charge, the Rev'd Dr Cyril Fayose. On Rev'd Fayose's right is Mrs Looking on are

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Valedictory Service for the Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo

The Rev'd Samuel Boadu-Ayeboafo today preached his valedictory Sermon to say goodbye to the Trinity United Church. He has been with us for two years, which according to him, came too early. He was full of praise for the Minister-in-Charge, the Rev'd Dr Cyril Fayose and the other ministers. He expressed joy, appreciation and gratitude to the congregation and thanked them for their exceptional love and respect to him and his wife.
His Sermon was based on the theme for the day: Be strong: do not fear, have faith in the Lord. readings were from Is 35:4-7a; James 2:1-7 and Mk 7:24-37. Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo started by sharing some of his family's life experiences with us which stunned us and at the same time reassured us of God's faithfulness. His recount brings to mind MHB 511 (Begone unbelief..) verse 4 goes like this:Why should I complain of want and distress, Temptation or pain?He told me no less...
Experience No. 1: The Christian's life is not all rosy but full of challenges, which at some point can make us rescind our decision to walk with Christ as some disciples did. But when Jesus asked Peter whether he too would leave him , Peter asked...To whom shall we go?....
Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo and the wife lost their first child when she was 2 years and two months at the same time he was supposed to report at the Trinity Theological Seminary to begin his training. They again lost a second child when he was 1year and one month. On the birth of thr third child, they believed somewhere in their heart that he too will die in the 7th month. It took the Divine intervention of God for that child to live. Now they say to the Glory of God, they have 4 children.
Experience No. 2: His wife had a mental illness which ws very stressful; but he continued to pray and one day God healed her.
Experience No. 3: It has been his desire to be posted to Kumasi, because he has spent all his ministerial life in the rural areas. Much as he had vowed to work anywhere the Church sends him he prayed to God and put his petitions to Him. After a number of uncertainties, he has finally been posted to Santasi in the centre of Kumasi.
Other Experiences: Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo shared with us the story of a man who had a protruding tummy and was by all indications going to die. The Man, Mr Livinstone was full of faith and after some prayer sessions was healed.
There was the story of a 56-year old woman who conceived and gave birth at that age. She has 2 children now.
These experiences were shared to remind us that God hears us when we pray and He still performs miracles. What we are going through are not bigger than God.
The Mk 7:24-37 story talks about the Syrophenician woman who, although concedes that she is a 'dog' has the faith and the boldness to tell Jesus that the 'dogs' eat of the crumbs that fall from the children's table. Jesus was impressed and she received healing for her daughter. We are therefore to continue to be strong and have faith in God.

One 'Fear Not' for everyday of the year !

Mrs Boadu-Ayeboafo, in helping her husband to thank the Church, said that as Jesus told the woman who anointed his feet with oil that wherever the Gospel is preached she will be mentioned, she and the husband will also mention Trinity United wherever they go. Mrs Boadu-Ayeboafo revealed that the phrase 'Fear not' is mentioned 365 times in the Bible; and as we have 365 days in a year, it means that as we face each day we should remember and be strengthened by the fact that there is a 'fear not' for that day.

New Members

New members were today introduced to the Church after they had undergone orientation classes for a number of weeks. Most of them decided to join the Youth Fellowship with others joining the Choir, Women's Fellowship and Osofo Group. The Rev'd Kissi is seen here introducing them to the Church. Among them was a family of 5 who originally come from the Caribbean.

A Family donates TV & DVD Player to Church

A Family donated a TV set and accompanying DVD Player to the Sunday School. Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo isseen here dedicating the items to the Glory of God.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dr Agama Laid to Rest

Yesterday, the Trinity United Church was filled to capacity with mourners who came to pay their last respects to Dr G.K. Agama; a member of this church and a former Governor of the Bank of Ghana. They included the Minister of Women & Children's Affairs, Ms Akua Sena Dansua, who is also the MP of South Tongu in the Volta Region. Dr Agama was once the MP for that Constituency in the 60's. Other Government Officials and Political leaders included Mr Alan Kyerematen. There were Mfantsipim Old Students, Staffs of Bank of Ghana and Intercontinental Bank Ghana Ltd., where he was the Chairman of their Board. Dr Agama was said to be the longest serving Governor - for 11 years- during which period the Financial sector experienced a lot of changes incuding the FINSAP (the Financial Sector Adjustment Programme) when banks were restructured, the Akuafo cheque system was introduced among other things. A lot of Tributes were paid to his life and work, his widow's being the most-revealing - he proposed in French!
The Sermon was preached by the Moderator of the E.P. Church. The Reading was from Rev 21 where the Bible talks about a new Heaven and a new earth where there is no death, no pain, no sorrow. In Job 14:14 Job asked ' if a man dies shall he live again?' The Moderator said if we place our life in Christ we would have a new life in the new Jerusalem. Dr Agama, the Moderator said, placed his life in Christ and was a faithful steward for his church and nation and this is our consolation that he will receive the new life. We are therefore to emulate him. He will be buried today in his hometown in the Volta Region.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today's message was preached by the Rev'd Frank Twum Baah. Deut 41:1-2;6-9; James 1:17-27 & Mk 7:14-15,21-23. Rev'd Twum Baah's Sermon was based on Rom 12:1-6.
St Paul's letter to the Romans, he started, can be divided into two - the first part Chaps. 1-11 emphasises the Mercies and Grace of God. In these chapters, Paul talks about Christian doctrines; but in the second part beginning with Chap 12, he talks about the practical way of living - moving from the stage where we confess with our mouths, for example, in the recitation of the Apostles' Creed, to the stage where christian principles must apply in our lives. Creed, Rev'd Twum Baah said, must go with conduct and beliefs must go with behaviour. Therefore when we recite the Apostles' Creed for instance, our behaviour/conduct must reflect that we actually believe in the Holy Ghost.
So Paul begins Chap 12 by urging the Romans to offer their bodies as living sacrifice to God, by changing their lifestyles and thinking in a new and different way. In a similar fashion, Paul told the Corinthians in 1Cor 6:19,20 that their bodies are the Temples of God. What Paul was emphasising in these letters were that our active being, that is, our strengths, abilities, talents and gifts must be used in the service of God. Touching on the 35th Anniverssary of the Church Choir, Rev'd Twum Baah urged the choiristers to attract new members with their lifestyle. In Pauls letter to the Romans, he stated that an inflated view of one's self has no place in the church. In Chp12:3 ....do not think of yourself more highly than you ought....
Rev'd Twum Baah concluded by saying that God loves singing, for singing is an act that manifests the presence of God residing in us. In Deuteronomy, God taught Moses a song for the Israelites to sing to glorify Him. Jesus even sang with his disciples before proceeding to the Mount of Olives, Paul and Silas also sang all night while in jail. The celebrated Hallelujah Chorus was composed by someone who was poor and dejected but found the grace to praise God by composing that wonderful piece. A Ghanaian, ship Captain Techie Menson, while his men and ship were in serious storm at sea, composed Where is our God. Rev'd Twum Baah led us in singing MHB511- Begone Unbelief, My Saviour is near - to let us understand that in praising God in our tribulations, there is joy and strength.
Rev'd Twum Baah is the Minister-in-Charge of the Accra Police Church.


The Trinity United Church Choir is 35 years. Founded in 1974 the Church Choir has grown from strength to strength, albeit with some challenges. With a membership of 30, the choir takes part in Prayer Retreats and workshops and Musical Concerts. Rose Ankrah leads their Bible Study Group. Their challenges as stated by the Secretary in her address are Membership and Finance. With regard to membership drive, the Preacher for the day, Rev Frank Twun Baah assisted them by asking members of the congregation who's hearts the Spirit has toyched to stand up and become members. We had 2 men and a woman to give up themselves. Rev twum Baah was a former Choir Master of the TUC Choir, many years ago when he was an Assistant Pastor at TUC.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Words of Eternal Life is in Jesus

Last Sunday's Sermon, The Words of Eternal Life is in Jesus, was preached by Sis Doris Archampong. The Readings were from Joshua 24:14-18; Eph 6:10-20 and Jn 6:56-69 In the First Reading, Joshua, the Prophet, challenged the Israelites to choose whom they will serve "but as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord" he said to them. In Ephesians, St Paul commanded believers to "put on the full armour of God". In the Third Reading Jesus taught in the Synagogue in Capernaum and said ...the words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life. Sis Doris went on to say that...at Calvary there were 2 thieves who were also crucified with Christ and one of them said to Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom (Lk 23:42) Remember me, Sis Doris said, is mentioned 73 times in the Bible and so it is good and important that in our everyday prayers, we ask God to remember us. Rachel and Hannah asked God in their prayers to remember them and God did. Humans may forget us, like the Butler who was with Joseph in Pharoah's prison. After Joseph had explained his (the Butler's) dream to him, Joseph asked the Butler to remember him, but after he was released, he forgot Joseph. While Peter was in prison, believers met and prayed for his release because they remembered Peter, and we all know how an Angel led him out of prison in the night. When God remembers us, He forgives us, puts us on a new pedestal and He never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

God is Faithful

Steve & Eva Simmons celebrated 10 years of blissful marriage and the Rev'd Seth Kissi led them in a Renewal of Vows Ceremony. It was awe-inspiring and a reminder to all couples of God's faithfulness to the things we commit to Him. Present at the alter was their daughter. They danced at offering time to the Glory of God. As you read this, remember to pray for every marriage...yours, your neighbour's, your children's and your Pastors'.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Baptism, Confirmation & Promotion Service

Today was Baptism, Confirmation & Promotion Service for some of the Youth of the Church. Rev'd Kissi explained that (Adult Baptism = Childhood baptism + confirmation...this is my mathematical formula). People who were baptised when they were babies or children or before they reached the age of responsibility, need to confirm their faith in Jesus when they grow up, hence confirmation, to seal the Childhood baptism.On the other hand, people who were never baptised in their childhood need only Baptism when they grow up -no confirmation in addition; hence the mathematical statement given above. Some were therefore only baptised and others who had been baptised in their childhood were confirmed; and the adults among them were today promoted to the Adult Service. Rev'd Fayose, in a short exhortation, explained that, being born again is an on-going process, and that as Christians, we are being born again everyday. This is in apparent reaction to the act of some preachers always asking members in the congregation who are not born-again to 'come forward' and be prayed for.