Prov 31:10-31, Js 1:13-18 & Mk 9 :30-37
The Rev'd Dr Bernhadt Y. Quarshie preached this powerful sermon on the Relationship Between Service and Greatness.
Tomorrow is the 100th birthday of Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of Ghana, he reminded us. We assign many great things to him but there are two definitions of greatness: one that defines it according to position, and the other that defines it according to service.When we define greatness by position, as the world does, we are prepared to worship people in position and we make them think that they are too big to serve; they must rather be served. Jesus's encounter with his disciples in Mark 9 gives us a new insight into what greatness means. His disciples were arguing among themselves as to who should be the greatest. Jesus explained that greatness comes out of service and so the greatest person is the one who serves. He said in vs.35 that 'If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all and servant of all' KJV.
Rev'd Quarshie continued that real service does not expect to be paid back. There is so much corruption in our system because those who serve do so expecting to be rewarded or paid back.
Greatness therefore comes out of the service we are able to offer through the positions we are privileged to hold.
Qualities NOT to be seen among people who belong to Christ:
1. Selfishness - what motivates us to serve determines whether or not we belong to Christ. Selfishness makes us think only about ourselves and our family when we occupy a position.
2. The 'know-it-all attidude' - when we think our position makes us indispensable, and whatever we say must be carried out. We tend to demand worship from the people we are to serve. It is only God who demands worship from his creation.
Qualities of Greatness
1. Selflessness which graduates to sacrifice. Jesus's greatness lies with service, which is his death. Selfishness is not enough, that is, we do not gain anything when we are selfless BUT we must sacrifice in addition. Sacrifice means we lose something; and so in service, we do not gain anything but we lose everything.
2. Yielding to God - the complete dependence on God - and our wiilingness to do His will - as Jesus said "...not my will but yours be done.."
3. Humility: above all we must have the disposition of humility. A servant who is not willing to take instructions from the person he is serving is not prepared to serve. Philippians 2:5-11
'Last of all and servant of all'
In conclusion, Rev'd Quarshie said we must measure our greatness in terms of service. We must always remember that Jesus's definition of the greatest is 'last of all and the servant of all'.
The Rev'd Dr B.Y. Quarshie is a Snr Lecturer at the Dept of the Study of Religions, Univ of Ghana and the Rector of the Akrofi Christaler Institute of Theology, Mission & Culture, a Postgraduate Institution at Akropong Akwapim. He is a former Lecturer at the Trinity Theological Seminary.
This is an official Blog of the Trinity United Church, Legon, Ghana. We pray that God will reveal Himself to you as you visit this site. Trinity...One God
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New Council Members
TUC Welfare wishes Mr &Mrs Agyekum 'Aware So'
A representative of the TUC Welfare presenting a gift to Mr & Mrs Agyekum, who married on 29th August in Kumasi. It is the practise at TUC that a Wedding gift is presented to a couple on their wedding day or on the next day they attend Service.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Christ's Assurance to His Followers
Readings: Is 50: 4-9a; James 3 : 1-12 & Mk 8: 27-38. The Sermon was preached by the Rev'd Frederick Fafanyo Lanyoh. Basing his sermon on the theme: Christ's Assurance to His followers, Rev'd Lanyoh said the assurance Jesus gives is both an assurance of reward as well as an assurance of punishment; for Jesus said in Mark 8 v 35, that, 'whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it' (KJV). Rev'd Lanoh went on to say that it is incumbent on us, the disciples of Christ, to lead exemplary life and there is no bargain. Whether we are Pastors or laymen, it is our duty to portray Christ wherever we are. We must control our tongue so as not to become stumbling block to the people around us. Rev'd Lanyoh concluded by saying that we must be tolerant even if we do not agree with the other party. Rev Lanyoh is the PRO of the AME Church. He is also a member of the Seminary's 1989 Year Group together with Rev'd Dr Fayosey. The Year Group Celebrated 20 years in Ministry and last Sunday was a Thanksgiving day for them. May God bless them and strengthen them for the years ahead. Amen.
Do this in Remembrance of Me
Last Sunday was a Communion Sunday. It was officiated by the Rev'd Canon G.K. Neequaye, the new Chaplain of the Seminary. Jesus said we should do this to remember His death and resurrection. Rev'd Canon Neequaye brought the Anglican flavour to the Lord's Supper. He prayed for the congregation that the Lord's Supper will be a source of healing; a source of blessing and a source of strength to all.
Sunday School Children sing on Trinity Rally Day
Here we see the children in the Sunday School singing. They are always happy to come to Joint/Family service. When Rev'd Fayosey asked whether they knew the meaning of Communion, one of them said 'it was the time we gathered at the Lord's Table'. They sang beautifully.We are proud of our children.
Trinity United Awards Members
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Valedictory Service for the Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo
The Rev'd Samuel Boadu-Ayeboafo today preached his valedictory Sermon to say goodbye to the Trinity United Church. He has been with us for two years, which according to him, came too early. He was full of praise for the Minister-in-Charge, the Rev'd Dr Cyril Fayose and the other ministers. He expressed joy, appreciation and gratitude to the congregation and thanked them for their exceptional love and respect to him and his wife.
His Sermon was based on the theme for the day: Be strong: do not fear, have faith in the Lord. readings were from Is 35:4-7a; James 2:1-7 and Mk 7:24-37. Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo started by sharing some of his family's life experiences with us which stunned us and at the same time reassured us of God's faithfulness. His recount brings to mind MHB 511 (Begone unbelief..) verse 4 goes like this:Why should I complain of want and distress, Temptation or pain?He told me no less...
Experience No. 1: The Christian's life is not all rosy but full of challenges, which at some point can make us rescind our decision to walk with Christ as some disciples did. But when Jesus asked Peter whether he too would leave him , Peter asked...To whom shall we go?....
Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo and the wife lost their first child when she was 2 years and two months at the same time he was supposed to report at the Trinity Theological Seminary to begin his training. They again lost a second child when he was 1year and one month. On the birth of thr third child, they believed somewhere in their heart that he too will die in the 7th month. It took the Divine intervention of God for that child to live. Now they say to the Glory of God, they have 4 children.
Experience No. 2: His wife had a mental illness which ws very stressful; but he continued to pray and one day God healed her.
Experience No. 3: It has been his desire to be posted to Kumasi, because he has spent all his ministerial life in the rural areas. Much as he had vowed to work anywhere the Church sends him he prayed to God and put his petitions to Him. After a number of uncertainties, he has finally been posted to Santasi in the centre of Kumasi.
Other Experiences: Rev'd Boadu-Ayeboafo shared with us the story of a man who had a protruding tummy and was by all indications going to die. The Man, Mr Livinstone was full of faith and after some prayer sessions was healed.
There was the story of a 56-year old woman who conceived and gave birth at that age. She has 2 children now.
These experiences were shared to remind us that God hears us when we pray and He still performs miracles. What we are going through are not bigger than God.
The Mk 7:24-37 story talks about the Syrophenician woman who, although concedes that she is a 'dog' has the faith and the boldness to tell Jesus that the 'dogs' eat of the crumbs that fall from the children's table. Jesus was impressed and she received healing for her daughter. We are therefore to continue to be strong and have faith in God.
One 'Fear Not' for everyday of the year !
Mrs Boadu-Ayeboafo, in helping her husband to thank the Church, said that as Jesus told the woman who anointed his feet with oil that wherever the Gospel is preached she will be mentioned, she and the husband will also mention Trinity United wherever they go. Mrs Boadu-Ayeboafo revealed that the phrase 'Fear not' is mentioned 365 times in the Bible; and as we have 365 days in a year, it means that as we face each day we should remember and be strengthened by the fact that there is a 'fear not' for that day.
New Members
New members were today introduced to the Church after they had undergone orientation classes for a number of weeks. Most of them decided to join the Youth Fellowship with others joining the Choir, Women's Fellowship and Osofo Group. The Rev'd Kissi is seen here introducing them to the Church. Among them was a family of 5 who originally come from the Caribbean.
A Family donates TV & DVD Player to Church
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Dr Agama Laid to Rest
Yesterday, the Trinity United Church was filled to capacity with mourners who came to pay their last respects to Dr G.K. Agama; a member of this church and a former Governor of the Bank of Ghana. They included the Minister of Women & Children's Affairs, Ms Akua Sena Dansua, who is also the MP of South Tongu in the Volta Region. Dr Agama was once the MP for that Constituency in the 60's. Other Government Officials and Political leaders included Mr Alan Kyerematen. There were Mfantsipim Old Students, Staffs of Bank of Ghana and Intercontinental Bank Ghana Ltd., where he was the Chairman of their Board. Dr Agama was said to be the longest serving Governor - for 11 years- during which period the Financial sector experienced a lot of changes incuding the FINSAP (the Financial Sector Adjustment Programme) when banks were restructured, the Akuafo cheque system was introduced among other things. A lot of Tributes were paid to his life and work, his widow's being the most-revealing - he proposed in French!
The Sermon was preached by the Moderator of the E.P. Church. The Reading was from Rev 21 where the Bible talks about a new Heaven and a new earth where there is no death, no pain, no sorrow. In Job 14:14 Job asked ' if a man dies shall he live again?' The Moderator said if we place our life in Christ we would have a new life in the new Jerusalem. Dr Agama, the Moderator said, placed his life in Christ and was a faithful steward for his church and nation and this is our consolation that he will receive the new life. We are therefore to emulate him. He will be buried today in his hometown in the Volta Region.
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