Preacher: Revd Canon G.K. Neequaye
Micah 6:1-8
1Cor 1:19-31
Matt 5:1-12
The Beatitudes or the Sermon on the Mount is one of the greatest sermons preached by Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 5. These messages (Matt 5-7) tell us what we should be like as children of God; how our hearts are supposed to live for God. They are not material things; they are things that will send us to heaven if we take note of them.
How we live for God on earth is not in the food we eat, the car we drive, the bed we sleep in nor the clothes we wear. It is about our relationship with God and with human beings; how we live to glorify Him. Blessed means Divine joy and perfect happiness. The one who is blessed is not moved by happenings around him. Please listen to the message.
Revd Canon Neequaye is an Anglican Minister and Lecturer at the Trinity Theological Seminary