Tuesday, August 9, 2011

“OUR LIFE IS IN GOD’S HANDS”(GEN.29:15-28, ROM.8: 26-39, MATT 13: 31-33, 44-52) 24/07/11

 PREACHER:BRO. DAVID NYARKO                                                                                    
Everyone says his/her life is in God’s hands because we were created by God. In Christian terms we mean more than that, we commit to God as his children or servants. You might be a member of a church and not have your life committed in God’s hands. What are some indications that would make you say your life is in God’s hands.
1.       Accept the true God us your God and Jesus Christ as your Lord.(Jn. 17:3)
2.       S/he has the Holy Spirit dwelling in her/him. Influencing his thoughts as stated in the 2nd reading.
3.       Regularly communicates with God and the Lord.
4.       S/he regularly communicates with others whose lives are in God’s hands.
5.       If anything takes you from God, re-establish the relationship.
6.       Make a constant effort to grow as a child of God.                                                                                                                                                                   Be honest, regular at church activities and potray values of the image.
Which divide are you in today? Let’s start early in order to live his image. In the first reading, Laban and Jacob, Laban went against an agreement. Jacob who tried to honour it, your thoughts show where you belong. Our religion with God is of utmost importance Matt. 33:4. He gave the Lord all his treasure and we should live our lives as such no matter where we find ourselves, we should make efforts to grow a relationship with God.

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