Sunday, July 4, 2010


TEXT: ISAIAH 66:10-14, GAL. 6:1-6 & LUKE10:1-11.

Peace is a condition where a man’s heart is at rest, when we are without worry and when we can relax. But what would bring about peace to the one who has no hope of what to eat, the sick, the one gripped with fear about his relationship with God?

Peace comes to us in different ways. In Isaiah, the people did not have peace; and that made them anxious and worried. They were concerned about the condition of Jerusalem but God through Isaiah presented a message of hope to them. God promised to give peace that is like a river, her breast would be full of milk that would provide for people; this provision would be a source of comfort.

In Gal 14 Paul reminds us to rejoice when we see that God’s Word has been fulfilled. There is peace in rejoicing when good things come our way and that also makes us see the challenges ahead in life. God is disappointed when we fail to rejoice in his accomplishments. He acts in our life to give us peace and joy.

When Jesus sent his disciples he told them to go into any house they were welcomed. The receiver of peace is he who welcomes the Messiah. The mission was to go and give peace indiscriminately to the extent that they did not have to greet anybody on the way.

How do we receive his peace? In Gal 2 Paul makes a ‘contradictory’ statement by saying that

i. We should first carry each other's burden. Put yourself in that situation, feel it and adopt that attitude to make sure a brother has peace to go on. Then he said:

ii. Each person should carry his load. For each of us has a load to carry; and it is the peace of God that would enable us to carry our personal loads.

If someone thinks he is better off he should be careful. If you are good enough assess yourself and find confidence in your abilities not someone else’s.

We must celebrate God when he does little and good things in our lives

When we panic we disappoint God. Panic and anxiety closes our eyes to the other doors God opens in our lives.

We should not be anxious for anything – the food we shall eat or the clothes we shall wear – for when Christ sent out the 72, he asked them not to take sandals nor purse.

We should not give up hope in our state of despair.

We must have hope and faith in Jesus Christ. There is nothing that is too hard for him to do for us

Salvation and deliverance bring peace and Christ is there to help us see the solution in him.

Let us also go in the same mission the disciples went.

May God help us to walk in peace.

May God come our way with his provision that takes away the hunger that makes us weak.

There is a peace that comes when we have problems and a peace when our problems are solved.

May the peace of God be with us. Amen

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