Monday, June 27, 2011

DO NOT WORRY(Matt 10:26-42)

To worry is to think about an unpleasant thing which has happened, is happening or would happen. Like not being welcome in a place, being discouraged by people who put you off and failing an exam you prepared for very well.
Care is to concentrate the cares and riches of this life. Jesus told Martha only one thing was necessary which Mary had found and that won’t be taken from her. Because we think our world has collapsed (v.33). Life is more important, no wonder the bible tells us to seek ye first the Kingdom of God for in doing so all other things would be added.
Worry brings about physical, moral and emotional consequences; physically we could use inappropriate language for people and also suffer from, mental disorders. A lesson learnt in Gen 22:1-14, tells us of how Abraham obeyed God and was rewarded by sparing his only promised son’s life. It was his faith that made him not worry. We all need to know Christ, have faith in order not to break down physically, emotionally and mentally.(Heb 13:5) God who says we should not worry would take care of us.


Trinity simply means one God in three persons. The father, son (redeemer) and the Holy Spirit (strengthens and advises us). The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is not difficult to be understood for instance, water can have three states liquid, solid and vapour which represents the son sent and the spirit which is sent to us.  It could also be explained in humans as we have a body for our physical representation, soul that communes with God and a spirit that comforts and helps us. The trinity does not explain who God is but how he has come to us so far.                    
One proverb says to be a child is natural, but to be a father is divine. This is an acronym put together for God our father today.
F- faithfulness: God is faithful, responsible and brings order out of chaos (Gen 1:2). He is creative and generative as in the scripture.                

A- affirmative: he created things on earth for 1-6days and on the seventh day he said everything he had      created was good. As in the scripture of the prodigal son he embraces his children no matter the problem.

T-  teacher: at creation he taught and instructed Man on what to and not to eat.

H- hopeful: as in the lesson of the prodigal son he always looked out for his son. He expects us to do the right things always.

E- example to us, mentor: sent his son to teach who he is and what he is like. A story about a newly created park in Namibia which had young elephants transfered to it portrayed this, these young elephants destroyed everything they come in contact with and also harmed people, everything was done to change their attitudes but all efforts were to no avail till a psychologist then asked the managers to bring in an older elephant. when this elephant came he was surely an example for them to live by and their attitudes changed. this is how God mentors us.

R- reproof: God shows his anger on disobedient children when they go wayward. These are the marks of our father God.
This teachings do not in any way tell if God is a man but only show his fatherhood qualties. These are how our fathers and potential fathers should be.


Jesus did not just give us gifts but divine power so it would be harnessed properly. A power of whose full appreciation we have not realised has been placed in our hands, which we have to utilize. That power could be used for good or evil depending on whether we have our gaze on the right focus of the church as we are ambassadors of Christ to release those bound by the devil. To pronounce forgiveness not judgment and use the power of God to release people. Not being overcome by feelings but keep our focus on Christ’s message to release.(forgive people)

DO NOT WORRY(Matt 10:26-42) 26th June 2011(PRAISE AND WORSHIP SUNDAY)

To worry is to think about an unpleasant thing which has happened, is happening or would happen. Like not being welcome in a place, being discouraged by people who put you off and failing an exam you prepared for very well.
Care is to concentrate the cares and riches of this life. Jesus told Martha only one thing was necessary which Mary had found and that won’t be taken from her. Because we think our world has collapsed (v.33). Life is more important, no wonder the bible tells us to seek ye first the Kingdom of God for in doing so all other things would be added.
Worry brings about physical, moral and emotional consequences; physically we could use inappropriate language for people and also suffer from, mental disorders. A lesson learnt in Gen 22:1-14, tells us of how Abraham obeyed God and was rewarded by sparing his only promised son’s life. It was his faith that made him not worry. We all need to know Christ, have faith in order not to break down physically, emotionally and mentally.(Heb 13:5) God who says we should not worry would take care of us.


Trinity simply means one God in three persons. The father, son (redeemer) and the Holy Spirit (strengthens and advises us). The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is not difficult to be understood for instance, water can have three states liquid, solid and vapour which represents the son sent and the spirit which is sent to us.  It could also be explained in humans as we have a body for our physical representation, soul that communes with God and a spirit that comforts and helps us. The trinity does not explain who God is but how he has come to us so far.                    
One proverb says to be a child is natural, but to be a father is divine. This is an acronym put together for God our father today.
F- faithfulness: God is faithful, responsible and brings order out of chaos (Gen 1:2). He is creative and generative as in the scripture.                

A- affirmative: he created things on earth for 1-6days and on the seventh day he said everything he had      created was good. As in the scripture of the prodigal son he embraces his children no matter the problem.

T-  teacher: at creation he taught and instructed Man on what to and not to eat.

H- hopeful: as in the lesson of the prodigal son he always looked out for his son. He expects us to do the right things always.

E- example to us, mentor: sent his son to teach who he is and what he is like. A story about a newly created park in Namibia which had young elephants transfered to it portrayed this, these young elephants destroyed everything they come in contact with and also harmed people, everything was done to change their attitudes but all efforts were to no avail till a psychologist then asked the managers to bring in an older elephant. when this elephant came he was surely an example for them to live by and their attitudes changed. this is how God mentors us.

R- reproof: God shows his anger on disobedient children when they go wayward. These are the marks of our father God.
This teachings do not in any way tell if God is a man but only show his fatherhood qualties. These are how our fathers and potential fathers should be.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This day marks the ascension of Christ. It is important for us as Christians to prepare ourselves within the next four days as the spirit pours. The main thrust of the passage read is the need and devotion to prayer. Having but limited human minds, we might be tempted to wonder why the risen Christ spent so much time (40 days) appearing to his disciples- what we call the resurrection appearances and again why did Jesus tell his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the holy spirit and it took ten days- when the apostles had a great task ahead of them i.e. bringing good news to the whole world.
Beloved in the Lord, Jesus in acts 1:6-14 teaches the early church and by extension to us today to be united and devoted to prayer as they waited for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Three weeks ago, we were all caught up in the experience of the disciples in acts 1:6. They asked, “Lord are you at this time going to restore the Kingdom”.  Jesus answered, “it is not for you to know the times and dates father has set by his own authority”. (v.7)
In fact, the disciples were more concerned about the actual timetable for setting up the kingdom of God. They did not want to miss the opportunity to establish it then and there with themselves installed as the ministers of this Kingdom. This is because they hungered for kingdom restoration in their time. They longed to see political authority excercised against their enemies and rulers the Romans. Jesus here teaches them that the task ahead of them is not about when the kingdom would be established but about being able to receive the power of the Holy Spirit for mission 3.
Brethren, how do we prepare for Pentecost? The explicit command of Jesus is to wait. Again, how are we to wait? Is it to sit down idly and speculate? Is it to gossip about people to in the church, workplace, schools et.c. Is it to move from one prayer meeting to another thinking we would get our prayers answered.
Waiting is to unite in prayer to prepare for Pentecost. Our best waiting for Christ’s return is to waiting for the spirit to give us the power to be his witnesses in the world. The disciples joined together v.14. K.J.V uses- “with the accord” they waited in the spirit of expectancy, in prayer in repentance and in deep fellowship; it might have included fasting. When we include ourselves in prayers, he prepares us for the task of evangelism. He uses vessels that are prepared.
Pentecost demands serious preparation. We undervalue uniting in prayer because we overvalue personal schedules. Prayerfulness for these disciples was faithfulness.
Beloved in the Lord, this is the lesson Jesus teaches us in john 17: which is known as, the high priestly prayer.Jesus does three prayers in this chapter:
1) prayer for himself. (v.1-5)                                                           
2) prayer for his disciples. (v.6-19)                            
3) and for future believers.(v. 20-26)
Jesus prayer for himself focuses on his glorified. Jesus was glorified for God when he went through suffering on cross, death, resurrection and ascension and now sits at the right hand side of God. His original place of honour and authority. This explains Steven word in Acts 7:56, when he was being stoned. Look he said, “I see heaven open and the son of Man seated at the right hand side of God.”
Jesus requested god for protection by his power for his disciples. Jesus did not pray for the disciples to be taken out of this world; he prayed that they might find victory and not escape, for we are in the world but not of the world. The core message here for us is that, it is in the rough and rumble of life that we must live out he Christian life. This is why he prayed and is still praying for us to be united in harmony and love as the father, son and the Holy Spirit are united. The strangest of all unions. Unity was never meant to withdraw a man from life, but to equip him better for it ; it does not offer us easy peace but a triumphant warfare over  sin and the world; it does not offer us a life in which troubles are faced and conquered.
Beloved, this is the essence of 1 Pet 4:12-14, 5:6-11 read to us. Peter wrote to Jewish Christians who were experiencing persecution for their faith in Asia Minor under Emperor Nero. Throughout the Roman Empire, Christians were being tortured and killed for their faith. So peter wrote to comfort them with hope and eternal life, and challenged them to continue living holy lives.
Beloved we must remember that we become partners or in union with Christ in his suffering when we undergo suffering and persecution for our faith.
Finally brethren, Jesus prayed for the unity of his disciples. Where there are divisions, exclusiveness, where there is competition between Christians, the cause of Christianity is harmed and the prayer of Jesus is frustrated. Beloved, the gospel cannot truly be preached in any congregation which is not one united band of believers. The world cannot be evangelised by competing Christians.
May God help us as we prepare for Pentecost to be united in prayer and suffering with Christ so as to share in his glory when he appears. Amen. Roderick k. Deist once said; little prayer, little power, much prayer; much power. Amen.

OUR ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. (1 PET 2:9) 22 May, 2011

REV. J.M.Y EDUSA-EYISON              
The passage addresses the troubled heart of the disciples because Christ was going to die, Jesus asked them to have faith because as Lord and Master over death he is in authority and control. When he tells them about where he is going and what is in stall in that place, that many roads are in his father’s house it indicates to us that we believers are strangers here on earth and have a place to go where there are rooms we can’t comprehend. We all have rooms. It isn’t made with hands and is eternal. There is no death, hunger, sickness et.c there. None of us would be in want; the Lord would be our sacrifice. Jesus is the living upon which our success is built. He leads us, personally guides us, and gives us faith that overcomes death.
“I am the truth”; In Israel, truth signifies divine order. so he is thing distinguished from deception. Teach me thy ways that I may walk in thy truth. (Ps 86:7)  “I am the life”, not mere existence but the very life of God. We all bear features of our parents, so if Jesus is peace we must show it in our live that people are drawn closer to him. Whoever has seen him has seen the father.
The apostles were yet to learn that   the vision of God given to this world is through Jesus. That the way we live our lives would be in the truth of the word, and in the quality of new life that he brings. Jesus lived an ordinary life of temptation and death teaching that as ordinary as we are we can live this life to glorify the God who has called us in his priesthood. If Christ fed thousands we should also be able to feed millions because that is our calling.
In 1st pet, one cannot participate in spreading the faith by without first growing in personal holiness. It can only happen when Jesus becomes the foundation stone of our life. As living stones we become members of his chosen race, like building blocks. The word laity from the Greek “Laos” which means people of God, we have the ordained (ministers) and unordained (others). In Israel you had to belong to a certain family before becoming a priest, but Christ broke this rule and became our high priest. We also can do all these workers. The slogan for Protestants is priesthood of all believers. Reverend Ministers are only revered ministers.
We from generations are one family and we serve God with all may come to that realisation that there is a God who loves us and saves us to the outermost. Know we who were no people are people to his mercy. In spite of our diverse nation, racial and social backgrounds, we are united in Christ. We are made up of one holy nation under one head agreeing under one head and custom governed by the same law, consecrated and devoted to God, renewed and sanctified by his spirit. We have been called from darkness to his marvelous light to experience a certain joy, pleasure and prosperity that by virtue of this, we can sing praise to him as a royal priesthood we have a duty to seek unity among people. The new law tasks us to love one another more than thyself just as Christ has loved us. Jesus loved us more than himself and he died on the cross for us.
Finally, the church, the priest of God takes the side of the disadvantaged, marginalized; this is what real life is about, a life of involvement and sharing in which people are called to go beyond themselves.  Amen.

” CHRIST THE GOOD SHEPHERD” (Acts 2:42-47, 1 Peter 2:19-25, John 10:1-10) 15 MAY 11

There could have been other wrong things going on. Christ identifies the false (those who came before him). The first part was devoted to Christ’s apostles, how he appeared to them and what they shared in common. He saw them as sheep going astray.
Grass was hard to find in those places because of the semi-arid nature. As a shepherd one needed to equip themselves adequately to tend for sheep. The shepherds then had a goatskin for storage of food and water, a rod to bring sheep together, the staff to signify their job and a sling to prevent predators. To keep sheep successfully he needed to scout for suitable grazing place, tending sheep et. c. he was to divert the attention of wild animals from the sheep, walk ahead of them and provide a pen for their safety. If a shepherd should jump a fence his sheep were going to run from him, thus Christ words “anyone who wanted to come to the sheep must pass through the door”.
They are known for their timidity and harmless nature but were also important in the provision of wool and food. They had the ability to recognize the voice of their shepherd. Today’s theme suggests:         
1. Christ laid down his life so we might live.
2. He bore the punishment so we might live. David relates God’s sufficiency to a shepherd and he being a shepherd knows how.

All leaders are shepherds in one form or another. Christ redeemed                                
1. Are we relating to people as Shepherds?
2. How many names of our shepherds do we know?
3. What have we done to help our sheep recognize our voice?

All members as sheep.
1. How are we following our shepherd?
2. How are we relating within the fold?
3. What value do you bring? (food, wool)
4. Do you make any effort to come back? (Eaten bones of sheep)
Are we willing to listen to his voice or be adventurous sheep? God gives us grace no matter the situation. Are we looking for his footstep to follow? We should be willing to listen to his voice at all times to make it through situations.   


LORD STAY WITH US. (Luke 24:13-35) 8 MAY 11

Ragged by the events that took place in Israel in the past few days, two men were did not recognize him when he walked beside them, they longed for him to create a physical Kingdom to through of the Roman rule and free Israel. They had a short cited view of what he accomplished; he did not only establish a Kingdom, but removes sins and makes us citizens of his spiritual Kingdom.
Jesus asked what they were discussing; they gave him questions back, are you the only stranger in Jerusalem? They could not recognize him because they hadn’t encountered the risen Lord. These two men were present when he was brutalized but could not tell of the risen Lord. These two men after recognizing him asked him to stay with them; he will only stay with us if we stay according to his will and wishes.
The significance is the spread of the gospel. Jesus resurrection was the ultimate sign that what he said was true, his resurrection. Today, we need to follow Christ. The virteous woman is spiritually minded, is a blessing.
Mary Magdalene took spices to the tomb early in the morning when Jesus had resurrected showing the caring nature of women. They would always prepare the smallest for their families. The first witnesses were women after they saw Jesus. Hence were the first evangelists, all women therefore qualify to be apostles. They were witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.
Mary’s character trait was the vehicle by which the incarnate Christ was transported to the world. Dorcas was a woman whose dressmaking made her famous, she made an impact in her community, was the cause of revival and she conveys the truth of the Christian faith because Jesus was after raising her from the dead made people believe he was Lord and had power over life and death hence their belief in him. Hannah was also mother of the high priest, prophet and seer. She exhibited faith and dedication in prayer and is always serious in faith.
Deborah was a wife, prophetess, an agitator and a warrior. She never feared, was brave intelligent and fearless. Confident in God’s word. She fed the men of David and saved David from bloodshed.
As women, if we want the Lord to stay with us we must spread his word, to everyone around. May grace be ours to do whatever our hands can’t do us onto the Lord. Amen


PREACHER: REV. SETH KISSI                        
The last word was made by the church to synchronize the words of Jesus since all the words in the four gospels which is only found in Luke. It showed Jesus was in control and not distracted by the events, even the most painful death, that anyone who sees this he won’t commit this crime. The events were described as a shame by the writers of the gospels because Christ was crucified naked. Even with all this he was confident in God with his last words expressing hope and confidence.
Sometimes when faced with some pain we loose confidence and move away to find help somewhere else. The cry “my god, my god” is not found in Luke, he was fully in control of the impression he gives in Luke. Salvation and our safety has a lot to do with one’s hold. The safety of a young monkey depends on its own hold on the mother, this makes it safe because the mother carries it wherever. Cat holds are those that the cat gives to his children to carry them from one place to the other. It uses it teeth and its safety depends on the bite, which does not harm but ensures safety.
Our salvation has a part that God has played which is the cat hold; safety can be granted when we do the Monkey hold by ourselves. When we loose confidence in our Lord we would leave him and find ourselves running into all things. Jesus in the most trying time still did that monkey hold “father into your hand I commit my soul”. Has it got to a time where you think you have been disappointed by God and think you should abandon God and do your own thing? Jesus is telling us God is trustworthy and we can still hold on to him. Let us do that monkey hold and we would be saved. Amen.


Jesus death was a turning point for those who believed. They couldn’t come to terms with the faith that he would die and resurrect and as such the happenings was a disaster to them.                                                    Mary went to look for Jesus’ body and was afraid he might have been eaten by a beast as was the practice at the time or his killers wanted to mutilate and do more damage to his body.
She told the disciples about what she saw and they realized he had risen because of the state of his the grave clothes. Mary Magdalene looked for Jesus by waiting at the tomb. Jesus revealed himself to her but she could not tell from even his voice (john :) she looked into the tomb again till Jesus mentioned her name this drew her attention, she responded Rabboni which meant teacher. “Do not touch me” which in the Hebrew translation was “do not hold on to me” uttered Jesus which was not because of purification purposes because Thomas touched him and also Jesus said to her go and tell the good news. Mary Magdalene was first person Jesus revealed himself to which tells how important everyone is in God’s Kingdom.
Our theme today reveals itself by its meaning of life where:                                                                                                         
  i. it cleared doubt and uncertainty; it offered them an opportunity  to look back and see the things Jesus did and taught with meaning to shape their  lives and ministry because they saw they were dealing with the savior indeed.                                                                                                                                            
ii. Death robs us of many things and for the disciples Christ resurrection raised their confidence, they were no more afraid of death looking at Christ’s resurrection. The disciples did everything in faith and paid for the ministry with their lives.
Today were being invited to a life that is independent of material things on earth that fears no death, pain. Though sickness and fear you would live, rise and be where you belong.                                   


Jesus is the life and resurrection of our lives. In the first reading, the Jews were in exile of the captivity and slavery of Babylon. Ezekiel like Jeremiah and Isaiah is cotemporaries and had words of encouragement was part of king Joachim’s reign. God speaks about the end time. The Israelites where taken into captivity and where throwing their hands in the air in dismay saying how can we sing the Lords song in a strange land? How can we praise God in a land of captivity? He reveals to Ezekiel that the value of dry bones and life came to them after his prophesy and they where a vast army.(Ezek 37:10)                                     God  explains the vision to him  showing him that all hope is not lost as in the case of the captured Jews (Ezek 37: 11-14)hopeless. God will speak to your situation today and turn your life around.
The Lord says he would open the gates and bring his people back to the land; this is the promise, when we think everything is hopeless. Jesus is extending a hand to us today, telling us he has abundant life. This is the life he gives to us that if we receive him. This life would be ours.
Lazarus was a friend of Jesus who had died for four days, when he was sick a message was sent to Jesus but took time to get there. Arriving on the day, Martha told Jesus his brother would not have died if he had arrived earlier. In certain situations during the loss of a loved one, we say if this doctor had been on duty our loved one would not have died, but Jesus came at the appointed time. In his time he makes all things beautiful. Was not with him and risen
To believe in Jesus is to declare our faith in him, the Sadducees (a sect of the Jews) did not believe in life after death, but Martha believed this. This body would leave and go to belong to God. Death is not the end of our lives but opens the way to eternal life that God gives. Many of our loved ones are dead but let’s have the hope we would meet with them in the end times. Jesus instructed that the storm would take us away. Did I not tell you I’m the resurrection and he who believes in me would live? The message got to the Sadducees, and instantly they started planning his death. It is not enough to believe in Jesus, but to practicalise what we believe. Jesus prayed and shouted the name of Lazarus. Come out! He was moved from the sphere of death to the sphere of life. . Believing in Jesus as the life resurrection, would lead to actions that bring Glory to God. This is the faith we have as Christians that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly what we commit to his hands. He brought Lazarus back to life and can change your situation around.
MHB 1 sums up all we have said, He speaks a little into his voice……... These are the words of Charles Wesley affirming to us that in the face of eminent trouble he speaks to turn things around. Jesus has power over death. Let’s continue to be in him and have him as the source of our lives. Let’s live to please him and in the last days he would accept us as his.


PREACHER:REV. SETH KISSI                 
We look at reconciliation as an ingredient used to help maintain unity of the spirit.  Paul recounted how sacrifices were done; a lamb or a pigeon was used depending on one’s economic class. The priest usually examined them to see if they were fitting for the sacrifice. If they were, they sacrificed them and plead on your behalf for the forgiveness and restoration of fellowship with him.
Before Christ’s coming, the responsibility of making peace with God rested somehow with the sinner. S/He was supposed to provide for the victim of the sacrifice and have the sacrifice performed on his behalf so that God will forgive his sins on the basis of the offering .In our world today we follow a similar pattern of forgiveness. A case between some people of the same family, community, et.c. After settling the case, the guilty would be asked to plead for forgiveness to pacify the brother s/he has offended. Paul was the only apostle that used the Greek word translated as reconciliation in the bible. God reconciled us to himself. Though we might have offended him, he does not wait for us to take the initiative or provide but initiates the process and makes available the victim of the sacrifice ensuring, sinful humanity is reconciled to him. (v.18)God made Jesus the sacrifice of sin though he knew no sin.(v.21, MHB 115:2)
John calls Jesus the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. He bore the cost and provided the priceless sacrifice to those that had offended him. God uses us as Ambassadors and appeals to us the offended party, as such a unique paradigm that our world has not known (v.20). The responsibility to make peace which is something divine is placed on the less matured/spiritual person, a sign of weakness in our paradigm. in this instance, God paid the price for sinful humanity to be restored to him.
If we realize we also offend people, we would see much more sense in this type of reconciliation and we would work towards it. If we want to maintain the unity of the spirit, let us follow in the footsteps of God and not wait for offenders to come but taking the right steps to ensure peace.

20th Mar 2011 ABRAHAM OUR EXAMPLE OF FAITH. (Genesis 12:1-4a, Romans 4:1-5, Romans 4:13-17, John 3:1-17)


Faith is general a belief in someone or something. The Christian faith has its root Jesus Christ who is the savior of the human race. Without faith no one can see God, hence as true Christians our faith in Jesus Christ must be unshakeable, unmovable and implicit.
How then is Abraham our example of faith? Abraham whose name was changed from Abram believed in God from the onset, when he was told to leave his father’s house and move to the place made for him. He learnt to walk with God who is faithful and fulfilling. Whatever you’re worried about today only needs your faith for God to be solved.  God therefore established a covenant with him that he would be blessed and would found a great nation (Israel) and the other nations of the earth would also be blessed through his descendants.  They were to follow God and influence other nations they came in contact with. Through Abraham’s family tree, Jesus Christ was born to save humanity, create a personal relationship and to bless us. God promised to bless him, if he was to obey his commands. The same applies to us. He had to leave his homeland and travel to where God has promised him. We have to listen to the lord’s voice. Telling people about your problems would lead to discouragement. Do not let the comfort and security of your present position prevent you from getting to where God has planned for you because all earthly things change with time.
Abraham was 75years old when God promised him a son. 25years after marriage, they had the child. This could seem long to us all but with Jesus it’s a short while. After this wait he was asked to sacrifice this only son. He yielded to the test of faith and God through an angel blessed him with as numerous descendants, who would take position of the cities of their enemies. God’s blessings are meant to overflow to others.
We can only keep our faith alive when we walk in obedience and accordance with his perfect will. We can’t only keep our faith alive by studying the word of God but by seeding on Jesus Christ the perfecter and finisher of our faith for in him we live, move and have our faith. Indeed Abraham is the best example of our faith.
The 2nd reading talks about how the Jews were proud to be called the children of Abraham. We also learnt to put our trust and faith in God because he alone can save us. Today the acronym for faith f-forsaken, A-all, I- I, T-take, H-him (Jesus Christ) is read as forsaken all, I take him Jesus Christ. Without him our faith would be so weak and we’d be tossed by any wind. let’s learn to believe, trust and depend on Jesus Christ as Abraham did for the bible says, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

PRAYER SERVICE. Lent (Genesis 2:15-18, Genesis 3:1-3, Romans 5:12-19, Matthew 4:1-11) 13th Mar 2011


The 40 days of fasting and prayer excludes fasting on Sundays because it was a day Christians fast. It recalls the fast of Jesus Christ and calls on us to depend on him, through emphasizing a series of disciplines for the year. The period involves cultivating the habit of humbling yourself before God through fasting and prayer, seeking God’s face through repentance and of forgiveness sins and a deliberate effort to align your life with the will of God as presented to us in his word.
People deliberately stay away from food and commit themselves to the call to do good so that our lives can be marked by these disciplines. We wait before God in fasting, prayer and in the study of his word.(Matt 4) through this period we prepare ourselves in prayer for the temptations that this life provides to Christians, drawing strength from God to overcome these temptations and live for him. Through tempted in the very ways, he did not sin unlike Adam who brought sin to the world. Today we are presented forcefully with the victory of Jesus over sins to help us draw from his strength and grace to be victors over sin. 


Transfiguration is derived from the Greek word “metamarpho” which means to change or transform between the inner circles (three disciples). It occurred when Jesus visibly changed in the presence of peter, James and John when they were on the mountain. Peter gives his own eyewitness account of the event; same was for James and John and what it implied to us the followers of Jesus Christ as recorded in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke). It took place six clear days when Jesus told his disciples about his suffering, his death and his resurrection. It portrays the transfiguration as an outwardly visible sign consisting of an actual physical change as far as Jesus was concerned. They saw Jesus having changed as far as the physical body was concerned. Luke put it as the appearance of his face changed (9:29), his face shine like the sun (Matt 17:2) and Mark, he glowed, his face became dazzling (9:3).
The appearance of Moses and Elijah has been given different interpretations. Some are of the opinion that Moses, representing the law witnessed to the Lord Jesus Christ. While Elijah representing the prophets does the same. Others put it that both were carried to heaven and their appearance was to prove that no one knew where their graves were. Why was Jesus Transfigured? And what was the significance of the cloud in which Jesus was changed? Jesus was transformed for various reasons. It is an experience in which Jesus entered into the spiritual realm from this perspective, Peter gave his own eyewitness and referred to the mountain as a sacred one. John, also an eyewitness described the same spiritual experience and said “we have seen the glory of the one and only one who came from the father, full of grace and of truth”.
Peter in the 2nd reading says transfiguration among other things is one of the proves of the Majesty of Jesus Christ. The majesty he describes as the glory and honour God gave him. It is the manifestation of God’s glory and the revelation of Christ as the true and real son of God, as he spoke “this is my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased”. Through this we know we are serving the true God. The fulfillment of scripture with respect to the sonship of Jesus Christ. It displays the shakana glory of God incarnate in Jesus Christ. A unique display of his divine character and a glimpse of the glory Jesus had before coming to this earth. It was a visible sign of the presence and the reliable witnessing the disciples gave us. It helps us strengthen our faith and that of the disciples because these disciples were to play a key role as far as the Church is concerned. What happens deepens and strengthens their faith. It is no wonder that after 32years, this vision was so vivid in Peters mind as in (2Pet 1:16-18). It was a foretaste of the Kingdom of God.
The cloud which is a visible collection of water suspended in the air, which produces rain. In the scripture it represents God’s glory given on the transfiguration. In the days of Moses, the glory of God appears in the cloud, during the crossing of the red sea the Israelites were baptized in the Cloud, it guided the Israelites by day, while a pillar of fire led them by night. In the pillar of cloud, God revealed his presence during the exodus of the Israelites. A cloud covered the tabernacle and in revelation, the second coming of the Lord would be accompanied by a cloud.
This morning God wants to assure us that his presence is with us in our going and coming. We need to take his word seriously and we must listen to him to portray the significance of the transfiguration. The narratives written in the synoptic gospels were post resurrection narratives because Christ warned the disciples not to tell anyone till he had resurrected. Peter was deeply moved by the narratives and did not want this to happen to Christ. He didn’t want them to descend to the other disciples, thinking only about themselves. He wanted to capture the moment, instead of learning from it. The transfiguration came during prayer, its significance is that it should help us spend quality time with the Lord and deepen our faith in Christ as the messiah as making his presence felt all the time in our going and coming. We pray the good Lord reveals himself to us in our going and coming. Amen