Monday, June 27, 2011

DO NOT WORRY(Matt 10:26-42) 26th June 2011(PRAISE AND WORSHIP SUNDAY)

To worry is to think about an unpleasant thing which has happened, is happening or would happen. Like not being welcome in a place, being discouraged by people who put you off and failing an exam you prepared for very well.
Care is to concentrate the cares and riches of this life. Jesus told Martha only one thing was necessary which Mary had found and that won’t be taken from her. Because we think our world has collapsed (v.33). Life is more important, no wonder the bible tells us to seek ye first the Kingdom of God for in doing so all other things would be added.
Worry brings about physical, moral and emotional consequences; physically we could use inappropriate language for people and also suffer from, mental disorders. A lesson learnt in Gen 22:1-14, tells us of how Abraham obeyed God and was rewarded by sparing his only promised son’s life. It was his faith that made him not worry. We all need to know Christ, have faith in order not to break down physically, emotionally and mentally.(Heb 13:5) God who says we should not worry would take care of us.

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