Thursday, June 9, 2011

OUR ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. (1 PET 2:9) 22 May, 2011

REV. J.M.Y EDUSA-EYISON              
The passage addresses the troubled heart of the disciples because Christ was going to die, Jesus asked them to have faith because as Lord and Master over death he is in authority and control. When he tells them about where he is going and what is in stall in that place, that many roads are in his father’s house it indicates to us that we believers are strangers here on earth and have a place to go where there are rooms we can’t comprehend. We all have rooms. It isn’t made with hands and is eternal. There is no death, hunger, sickness et.c there. None of us would be in want; the Lord would be our sacrifice. Jesus is the living upon which our success is built. He leads us, personally guides us, and gives us faith that overcomes death.
“I am the truth”; In Israel, truth signifies divine order. so he is thing distinguished from deception. Teach me thy ways that I may walk in thy truth. (Ps 86:7)  “I am the life”, not mere existence but the very life of God. We all bear features of our parents, so if Jesus is peace we must show it in our live that people are drawn closer to him. Whoever has seen him has seen the father.
The apostles were yet to learn that   the vision of God given to this world is through Jesus. That the way we live our lives would be in the truth of the word, and in the quality of new life that he brings. Jesus lived an ordinary life of temptation and death teaching that as ordinary as we are we can live this life to glorify the God who has called us in his priesthood. If Christ fed thousands we should also be able to feed millions because that is our calling.
In 1st pet, one cannot participate in spreading the faith by without first growing in personal holiness. It can only happen when Jesus becomes the foundation stone of our life. As living stones we become members of his chosen race, like building blocks. The word laity from the Greek “Laos” which means people of God, we have the ordained (ministers) and unordained (others). In Israel you had to belong to a certain family before becoming a priest, but Christ broke this rule and became our high priest. We also can do all these workers. The slogan for Protestants is priesthood of all believers. Reverend Ministers are only revered ministers.
We from generations are one family and we serve God with all may come to that realisation that there is a God who loves us and saves us to the outermost. Know we who were no people are people to his mercy. In spite of our diverse nation, racial and social backgrounds, we are united in Christ. We are made up of one holy nation under one head agreeing under one head and custom governed by the same law, consecrated and devoted to God, renewed and sanctified by his spirit. We have been called from darkness to his marvelous light to experience a certain joy, pleasure and prosperity that by virtue of this, we can sing praise to him as a royal priesthood we have a duty to seek unity among people. The new law tasks us to love one another more than thyself just as Christ has loved us. Jesus loved us more than himself and he died on the cross for us.
Finally, the church, the priest of God takes the side of the disadvantaged, marginalized; this is what real life is about, a life of involvement and sharing in which people are called to go beyond themselves.  Amen.

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