Thursday, June 9, 2011

” CHRIST THE GOOD SHEPHERD” (Acts 2:42-47, 1 Peter 2:19-25, John 10:1-10) 15 MAY 11

There could have been other wrong things going on. Christ identifies the false (those who came before him). The first part was devoted to Christ’s apostles, how he appeared to them and what they shared in common. He saw them as sheep going astray.
Grass was hard to find in those places because of the semi-arid nature. As a shepherd one needed to equip themselves adequately to tend for sheep. The shepherds then had a goatskin for storage of food and water, a rod to bring sheep together, the staff to signify their job and a sling to prevent predators. To keep sheep successfully he needed to scout for suitable grazing place, tending sheep et. c. he was to divert the attention of wild animals from the sheep, walk ahead of them and provide a pen for their safety. If a shepherd should jump a fence his sheep were going to run from him, thus Christ words “anyone who wanted to come to the sheep must pass through the door”.
They are known for their timidity and harmless nature but were also important in the provision of wool and food. They had the ability to recognize the voice of their shepherd. Today’s theme suggests:         
1. Christ laid down his life so we might live.
2. He bore the punishment so we might live. David relates God’s sufficiency to a shepherd and he being a shepherd knows how.

All leaders are shepherds in one form or another. Christ redeemed                                
1. Are we relating to people as Shepherds?
2. How many names of our shepherds do we know?
3. What have we done to help our sheep recognize our voice?

All members as sheep.
1. How are we following our shepherd?
2. How are we relating within the fold?
3. What value do you bring? (food, wool)
4. Do you make any effort to come back? (Eaten bones of sheep)
Are we willing to listen to his voice or be adventurous sheep? God gives us grace no matter the situation. Are we looking for his footstep to follow? We should be willing to listen to his voice at all times to make it through situations.   


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