Thursday, June 9, 2011

LORD STAY WITH US. (Luke 24:13-35) 8 MAY 11

Ragged by the events that took place in Israel in the past few days, two men were did not recognize him when he walked beside them, they longed for him to create a physical Kingdom to through of the Roman rule and free Israel. They had a short cited view of what he accomplished; he did not only establish a Kingdom, but removes sins and makes us citizens of his spiritual Kingdom.
Jesus asked what they were discussing; they gave him questions back, are you the only stranger in Jerusalem? They could not recognize him because they hadn’t encountered the risen Lord. These two men were present when he was brutalized but could not tell of the risen Lord. These two men after recognizing him asked him to stay with them; he will only stay with us if we stay according to his will and wishes.
The significance is the spread of the gospel. Jesus resurrection was the ultimate sign that what he said was true, his resurrection. Today, we need to follow Christ. The virteous woman is spiritually minded, is a blessing.
Mary Magdalene took spices to the tomb early in the morning when Jesus had resurrected showing the caring nature of women. They would always prepare the smallest for their families. The first witnesses were women after they saw Jesus. Hence were the first evangelists, all women therefore qualify to be apostles. They were witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.
Mary’s character trait was the vehicle by which the incarnate Christ was transported to the world. Dorcas was a woman whose dressmaking made her famous, she made an impact in her community, was the cause of revival and she conveys the truth of the Christian faith because Jesus was after raising her from the dead made people believe he was Lord and had power over life and death hence their belief in him. Hannah was also mother of the high priest, prophet and seer. She exhibited faith and dedication in prayer and is always serious in faith.
Deborah was a wife, prophetess, an agitator and a warrior. She never feared, was brave intelligent and fearless. Confident in God’s word. She fed the men of David and saved David from bloodshed.
As women, if we want the Lord to stay with us we must spread his word, to everyone around. May grace be ours to do whatever our hands can’t do us onto the Lord. Amen

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